How to assess your AI readiness with 50  questions

How to assess your AI readiness with 50 questions

By now, everyone has recognized that we are in an AI hype. Again. It is probably the fourth since Joseph Weizenbaum developed the famous ELIZA, a natural language processing program that was intended to explore communication between humans and machines. In the early nineties we saw another wave when we saw the first neural networks; in the tens of this century, we saw machine learning making strides and now … Now we have generative AI. And every vendor – and buyer – jumps on it, often thinking of drastically improving business and employee performance – or replace some employees with technology – and of enjoying the ultimate competitive advantage. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Adapting and using AI tools gives a temporary advantage at best. Why temporary? Temporary, because technology is nothing that the competition cannot use. In fact, they will do the same and with that, any, or at least most, competitive advantage gets leveled again. And why at best? Because you might not get an advantage at all, for several reasons. Chief of them is missing corporate readiness. AI can be a very helpful tool, but it is a tool, that needs an organization to be prepared across several dimensions. Regardless of how these dimensions are laid out in detail, they include Strategy and leadership, infrastructure, people, culture, governance and last, but not least, data. Not being prepared in one or more of these dimensions can greatly diminish the projected benefits of adopting AI technology. A simple yet obvious example would be the employees being hesitant to use the provided tool if they feel that...