CRMKonvos – SugarCRM and its cool future beyondCXM

CRMKonvos Nr.18 – KI, #beyondCXM perspectives and opportunities with more dynamics are coming up. This time in our focus: The SugarCRM Story and the integration.

In this CRMKonvos Ralf Korb and Thomas Wieberneit talked with SugarCRM CEO Craig Charlton and CTO Rich Green about the past, present and future of SugarCRM. Of course, we covered the progress of the integration of, and the reasons for choosing it.

But then there are also topics as mundane as why there are still reasons to choose an on premise installation vs. going cloud.

What is a platform? Rich Green has a very good definition with a very own Sugar twist to it – and which makes a lot of sense.

What is the real reason for appointing James Norwood into the board? Apart from him being an extremely kind, knowledgeable and connected person?

What are the top five gaps in Sugar’s footprint?

We covered a lot of ground.

Enjoy this very enlightening English episode of our CRMKonvos