How to create customer experience with blade technology

How to create customer experience with blade technology

Starting with the concept of blades we went across a number of different topics related to customer experience with our guest Denis Seynhaeve.

Denis is the CEO of 3CLogic, a company that is dedicated to ‘pluggable’ contact centers in the cloud, helping organizations to provide good customer experience via voice technology.

So, naturally a number of questions arises. What is blade technology (hint, it doesn’t have anything to do with the blade runner but is closer to the blades used in data centers …)? How does this technology contribute to a customer experience? Why choosing AWS and not another hyperscaler – or run out of own data centers? And, first, and foremost: Why the concentration without exclusivity on ServiceNow? Here, Denis clearly has a strategy that differs from the one pursued by Richard Rosen of Fastcall, who has an exclusive focus on Salesforce.

And, last but not least the fundamental question: How to choose the right ecosystem to play in, if one is not an 800-pound gorilla?

Answers to these questions and more in our CRMKonvo